Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hates the ER

Last night at about 8:00 Cory started vomiting again. So this time we went down town to Children's. They did some test an IV and a shot of meds, and he went to sleep when they finally released us at 3:00 am we went home and crashed they have ordered us to follow up with a Gi specialist so we might get some much needed answers on why Cory has been having spells of vomiting and severe stomach pain. This is what we needed, we have been to the doc so many times and they just called it a virus.
On a better note I can not wait to go to church tomorrow.
Cory is suppose to go to school Monday on the bus and they never called us to set up a time!
Well I am off to bed, talk to you later
God Bless,
Remember........ AXIOM

1 comment:

  1. I had to call them to get a time. They never did call me either.
