Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey guys! We had a rainy but great vacation! I am so glad to be home! I am having a hard time in school what else is new right! I had a hard time following in small group last night I need further help! But it was still fun the conversation got deep! Cory is doing well in school! I have become picture happy because I have figured out how to put pics on the computer! So excited! Well that is all for now! Talk to you later!
God Bless,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Do you smell that smell?

My vacation is so close I can smell the ocean! We leave a week from Friday. Other than the sheer panic of getting things togather and making sure it is all there, I can not wait.

Cory is doing wonderful in school he did not go today because he was not feeling well. So I guess we can try again tomorrow!

We go the 20Th at 8:30 in the morning for his GI apt. (yes that is the day we leave for vacation).

I am sitting in the dark waiting for Cor to fall asleep! He keeps getting out of his bed!

I hope that the leadership team has a great time and learns a lot! I will be praying for a safe and wonderful trip!

Well I am off to bed!

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Freaking out!

I am freaking out about sticking Cory on a big school bus, by himself! I know it has to happen some time but why now! I am worried about what they are going to do and say about his stomach issues! I do not feel well, not sick just run down!
Church was very interesting I can not wait until small group tomorrow! I am so proud of my sister she is doing so well with her sobriety!
Well I am going to get off of here to put my child to bed! Talk to you tomorrow!