Sunday, December 21, 2008

keeping it short

My week has been very busy. It started out great, I made my first pot roast and I thought that it was delicious. Ray and Melissa came over for dinner it was a nice relaxing evening. Cory was sick for the rest of the week they are doing some test, we will find out over the next week. I think it is nothing, considering he is fine now. Travis and I met up with the smith small group, for some caroling. It was hilarious Dan about got beat up by one of the residents there. After the we went back to Scott and Diana's, and then we went to dinner. The week had some rough spots but, ended on a very high note!!!!!!
Thanks Scott and Diana for a great evening!
PS the pictures you showed us were great but you must find the other ones!


  1. We had a great time tonight! Thank you guys for joining us for some caroling! I will try to find those pictures soon!

  2. Oh yeah I forgot to mention in my blog that Scott says that Travis has a good voice ; ) Ya better watch out for my husband Jenn, Travis might be his next man crush lol

  3. Jen, Ignore my wife, she was dropped on her head alot as a child! Althought the title of this blog should be the title of your page "Keeping It Short" That would be the title of the movie they come up with for you if there is ever one about your life! Because it perfectly describes you!!! Lol

  4. and he said I was dropped on my head alot lol
